Master of Public Policy

The University of Colorado Denver’s Master of Public Policy program provides the tools for policy design, implementation, analysis, and advocacy, while focusing on the intersection and impact of democracy, politics, and power.

Total Credits


Course Modalities

In-person, online, or hybrid

Time to Degree

Full Time: 2 Years

Max: 6 Years

What will you learn?

Students will develop quantitative and analytical skills as they relate to policy design and implementation. Students will also develop a strong understanding of the policy process and policy advocacy and will be well equipped to navigate challenges and hurdles when advocating for change.

What can you do with an MPP?

The MPP program prepares you for policy-focused roles across the public, nonprofit, and private sectors. With opportunities at all government levels, non-profit organizations focused on policy advocacy, research think tanks, and more, students are able to seamlessly transition into a meaningful career.

MPP Curriculum

Learn about the courses you need to complete to earn the Master of Public Policy.

New for Fall 2025: Starting Fall 2025, the School of Public Affairs will replace optional concentrations for master’s programs with graduate certificates. We have found that employers respond more favorably to certificates than concentrations, and having a certificate in addition to your master’s degree will set you apart in your career progression after graduation. This change will also allow students across all master’s programs to choose from a wider range of certificates, which unlike concentrations, are not tied to specific master’s degrees.

Academic Catalog Listing & Program Handbook

Find additional information about academic policies, graduation requirements, and more.


Browse upcoming events where you can learn about our graduate programs.

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