By studying 488 public airports in the United States, University of Colorado Denver School of Public Affairs researcher Serena Kim, PhD, found that 20% of them have adopted solar photovoltaic (PV), commonly known as solar panels, over the last decade.
When MPA alumna Monica Caballeros (MPA ’20) went looking for a capstone project, her focus was on public health and reproductive rights. Caballeros, who is the PR and Communications Director for Connect for Health Colorado, is passionate about equitable access to healthcare. However, when she could not find a good fit in her field, she turned to the school’s list of sourced capstone projects. She found a powerful partnership with the Center for Community Wealth Building that allowed her to look at issues of equity through a lens of economic development.
At both the local and state level, School of Public Affairs alumni have been instrumental in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Scott Bookman (MPA '15), Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment incident commander for COVID-19, and Geoff Butler (MPA '19), Battalion Chief, Poudre Valley Fire Authority, recently took some time to answer questions about their current roles addressing COVID-19 and how they have grown as leaders dealing with the challenges posed by the pandemic.
Emma Sindelar (AMPA ’20) completed this interview with Kristen Freaney from the Outdoor Industry Association as part of her specialization in nonprofit management. Specializations are an opportunity for students in the accelerated Master of Public Administration program to customize their degree by completing a series of co-curricular activities in their area of interest. These activities are intended to deepen a student’s understanding of a content area and to provide opportunities for professional development.
School of Public Affairs alumni Annie Davies (MPA ’03), Engagement Director Western U.S., at the United Way (formerly Executive Director of United Way Larimer County), and Rachel Fuchs (MPA ’16), Director of Partner Services at Intercambio, recently answered questions on how they, as nonprofit leaders, continue to lead their organizations through challenging times and into the future.
Emma Sindelar (AMPA ’20) completed this interview with Amanda Jameson from Big City Mountaineers, a Denver-based nonprofit, as part of her specialization in nonprofit management. Specializations are an opportunity for students in the accelerated Master of Public Administration program to customize their degree by completing a series of co-curricular activities in their area of interest. These activities are intended to deepen a student’s understanding of a content area and to provide opportunities for professional development.