Michael Penny

Michael Penny

For more than 32 years, I’ve successfully deployed strategic planning and decision-making skills that create dynamic communities with high performing staff, quality jobs and housing options, recreational and cultural amenities, and neighborhood services.

In my role as a municipal executive, I ensure that the activities of city departments align and reflect the vision of the governing council. I am accountable to citizens by providing transparent communication, public information, and respectful, timely response to concerns.

I love my career in local government. I am passionate about public service because outcomes are more about what you give than what you receive. It is about leadership, staff empowerment, innovation, and relationship building. Managing services that affect the health, safety, and welfare of all citizens in a community can be complex and challenging, and I relish being the driver of real change that builds great communities.

My personal satisfaction comes from the positive impact that collaborative decision-making and intentional action can make on the quality of life and the well-being of a community and its citizens. I am active within the local government community, regularly attending networking and educational programs and also leading panel discussions at industry conferences like the Colorado City & County Managers Association (CCCMA). I am on the ethics committee for CCCMA that conducts the initial review of any alleged ethics violation by an International City/County Management Association (ICMA) member in Colorado. I am a member of the ICMA Credentialing Advisory Committee.

I’ve been fortunate to have built countless long-lasting relationships with key stakeholders, innovators, and decision makers throughout Colorado. As my LinkedIn Recommendations prove, I have a reputation as a strategic visionary, exceptional communicator, team player, and an individual who can maneuver the complexities of local government management.

School of Public Affairs

CU Denver

Lawrence Street Center

1380 Lawrence Street


Denver, CO 80204


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